The fix for businesses, is the same as it has always been.

You should undertake our free 90 minute review & diagnosis discussion to determine if you should prepare for one or more of the following:

  • Partnership & Director Disputes
  • Business Turnaround
  • Business Insolvency
  • Defensive Company Structuring
  • Asset Protection
  • Insolvency Support
  • Creditor Negotiation
  • Personal Insolvency
  • Corporate Restructure
  • Commercial Dispute Resolution

Click here to arrange your free no-obligation 90 minute review & diagnosis discussion


Partnership & Director Disputes

There can be a lot at stake in a partnership or director dispute. As well as posing a risk to the business itself, a disagreement may also threaten the careers and reputations of the partners and members involved.

This means it’s vital to prevent, manage and resolve any partnership or director dispute as effectively and efficiently as possible. This can seem difficult when a lot of time, emotion and money has been invested in the business, particularly if the dispute escalates and becomes acrimonious.

At PBB Advisory, when it comes to protecting a partnership or the rights of individual partners, we understand that clear, practical and commercially-minded advice can make all the difference. If you need assistance preventing or resolving a dispute, we can help.

Business Turnaround Advice

Carrying out a business turnaround is somewhat like trying to turn around a runaway train, and that is in ‘normal’ circumstances.

You need to first hit the brakes. Then you need to get it moving back in the right direction. Sometimes you need to streamline it before it will gather momentum. And in some cases, you have to accept it is broken and find the best way to salvage what you can from it.

As we all know, things are uncertain and constantly changing – the business environment that you operate under is being turned on it’s head, literally by the hour.

The fix for businesses, is the same as it has always been.  You just need to diagnose whether you need the fix!

Insolvency Advice and Protection

PBB Advisory, specifically created to assist clients with protecting themselves, their business and their personal assets in this uncertain and constantly changing business environment.

PBB Advisory was founded to provide protection and advice to companies and individuals when they face financial difficulties. And this is what we still do, and are still passionate about today.

We saw that people every day were being harassed and hounded by their creditors, debt collectors, mercantile agents and landlords and didn’t know they had rights or options. It became our goal to help these people find light at the end of the tunnel, and get them out of their situation in the best, easiest, fastest and cheapest way possible.

Corporate Restructure

Restructuring is the art of creating viable options in the face of uncertainty. PBB Advisory professionals work closely and cooperatively with Directors/Owners – and your matter, is strategically and personally handled by our senior staff.

Recognising that every restructure has its own distinct challenges and opportunities, we provide diverse capabilities and experience which enable it to deliver actionable restructuring strategies based on a deep understanding of each situation.

PBB Advisory utilise a four-phase restructuring approach to preserve and enhance value, develop alternatives, and execute strategies which meet the client’s objectives. And in layman terms, we get you out of your situation in the best, easiest, fastest and cheapest way possible.

Commercial Dispute Resolution

Commercial disputes can prove costly for all types of businesses. Resolving disputes quickly is key to maintaining good cashflow and the ongoing success of your business. Whilst disputes can arise over any type of business transaction, issues relating to goods or services supplied commonly arise when you start chasing your client or customer for outstanding payments.

In such cases, it’s essential that the dispute is resolved quickly. If payment remains outstanding over a significant period of time or the dispute escalates and creates bad blood between you and your customer, your business could suffer catastrophic harm. Small business, in particular, can struggle to operate if regular late payments occur or if incoming funds aren’t received on time.

Fortunately, going to court isn’t the only way to resolve a commercial disagreement. Negotiation, mediation and conciliation allow the parties to come together and find a solution to the issue, often with the use of an impartial person to manage the meetings. Mediation has a high success rate. A skilled mediator can often help the parties find a solution even when the parties themselves initially felt there was no chance.

PBB Advisory can provide a cost-effective way for businesses to resolve disputes. Less contentious forms of dispute resolution, negotiation, mediation or conciliation may even enable you to foster an on-going business relationship with your client.

Contact us today for a no cost & no obligation initial discussion and diagnosis – click here