We offer all of our various services on a fixed price basis, that is, unlike most we do not bill by the hour.

That means, you know upfront, prior to any commitment, you know exactly how much you will pay.

Whilst the accepted industry standard for professional firms such as ours is to bill by the hour, this is not only potentially unfair in terms of value to you the client, but it focuses your advisor on “THEIR income” over “YOUR outcome”.

That means, we are on your side, we are aligned to giving you the best advice ‘for you’ (not us) and getting you the best outcomes ‘for you’ (not us).

By agreeing to a fixed price in advance of the services that we will perform for you, our cost to you is ‘locked in & guaranteed’.

That means, there is no risk to you, there will be no out of pocket expenses, or fees for ‘unforseen circumstances’ – there will be no extra charges or increases, regardless of the circumstances.

Every member of our team that works with you is empowered to pursue the direction and alternatives that are in your best interests.

That means, that each and every one of us is not confined by, or restricted to, an arbitrary ‘time budget’ because we do not bill by the hour – we do whatever it takes, we get the job done for you.

We do whatever it takes for you, we provide the advice, we get the results, guaranteed. Unlike other professional firms which bill by the hour, there will not be any surprise bills after our work for you is complete. Guaranteed! 

– Greg MacDonald, NSW Partner, PBB Advisory

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