Protect & prepare your business now,
protect your personal assets now

PBB Advisory, was specifically created to assist clients with protecting themselves, their business and their personal assets in this uncertain and constantly changing business environment.

We were founded in 2006 to offer turnaround, restructuring and insolvency services of outstanding quality to business owners, and individuals.

We assist clients with resolving issues affecting business performance, business value and asset protection.

We advise many hundreds of businesses each year, helping them to deal with financial difficulties.

The fix for businesses, is the same as it has always been.

You will need to prepare for one or more of the following:

  • Business Turnaround
  • Business Insolvency
  • Defensive Company Structuring
  • Asset Protection
  • Insolvency Support
  • Creditor Negotiation
  • Personal Insolvency
  • Corporate Restructure

Each year through our inclusive approach, we benefit many hundreds of Directors, business owners, creditors, customers and employees.

Member of :

Liability limited by a scheme approved under
Professional Standards Legislation.

  I understand my business and I focus on my customers. I do not have the time or skills to ensure that I am financially or structurally doing what is best for me and my family. That is where these guys come in, they are smart, well respected, explain things clearly, but most importantly – they do what they say they will do, and they helped me protect my business, and my personal assets. 

– WH, Croydon Vic

There are 3 broad outcomes from your free 90 minute
PBB Advisory review

Confirmation for both strategically and structurally you have done the majority of what you need

To ensure you come out of this period stronger than when you entered it, there are certain things that you can and should do now

You are critically exposed in a business and personal financial perspective, you need to preserve and enhance current value, develop alternatives, make necessary changes and execute strategies

   I have dealt with both Brad and his team in Melbourne, and Greg & the team in Sydney. They got me out of my situation in the fastest, easiest and cheapest way possible. I am very proud to endorse their smarts, their manner and the outcomes they achieved for me. 

– YB, Bankstown NSW

Unrivalled service when you need it most.

Today, innovative thinking is what you need – and in fact, it is just as important to your survival as capital.

And just like capital, if you do not have innovative thinking – your business will suffer, whither and may die.

We are business owners ourselves, so we know all about the pressures of trying to keep your staff, creditors and clients (and spouse!) happy. We have many years of experience in the world of business advisory, accounting & insolvency as well as finance, so we know a thing or two about keeping companies afloat.

But our innovative thinking isn’t just about expert business advice. It’s about breaking the mould of insolvency and rescue practitioners: we are all about helping you through your problems, treating you like a human being, and understanding exactly what you’re facing.

We will never surprise you with last-minute charges, because we provide a fixed fee service (and very affordable).

We’ll also never try to force you into a one-size-fits-all solution. Because we get it, your business is unique.

Finally, we’ll never back out when the going gets really tough – and in this uncertain and constantly changing business environment, the ‘going’ is already tough.

We do what we say we’ll do. And whatever happens with your business, we’ll be here to help you every step of the way. Directors from all over Australia rely on our advice.